I was trying something new and decided to play with the MFR machines as much as I could. Grinder (MineFactory Reloaded) - Attack of the B-Team The Grinder, when supplied with MJ or EU, will examine a 5xarea in front of it, and will kill any mobs in the area, grabbing the drops.
Is there any way to change the size of the area the Grinder from MineFactory. Increasing the range of the Grinder from MineFactory Reloaded. Fun with MFR - Farms and Simple Enderman Grinding Feed the Beast MFR Minefactory Reloaded. When supplied with energy, it will kill any mobs in an area 5x5xin front of it. The default is 5x but I would like to.
Feed The Beast : Machine Tutorials : Grinder. FTB Tutorial - Minefactory Reloaded Grinder Setup.
The Grinder is a block added by the MineFactory Reloaded mod. Like most MFR Machines, it runs on either. Grinder (MFR) - Tekkit Lite - a The Grinder is added by the MineFactory Reloaded mod. Grinder (MineFactory Reloaded) - Feed The Beast.
MineFactory Reloaded - Mob Grinders Auto-Spawners. The Grinder will slaughter any mobs or animals (but not bosses, players, villagers).
Grinder - Technic
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