giovedì 20 agosto 2020


ThermoMorph - Polymorph Moldable Plastic Pellets - 5grams

You can heat this plastic up in hot water and it melts into a. CNCZ one I bought a 5gram container of shapelock its a nylon like plastic that melts at degees celcius. ShapeLock is an amazingly useful polycaprolactone plastic that starts to melt and become moldable at 160F.


Paul O Dowd: Working with Polymorph Shapelock Working with Polymorph Shapelock. Late Saturday night I played with some polymorph plastic. Make New Tools From Shapelock Friendly Plastic - Instructables Friendly plastic, also known as Shapelock plastic, is a plastic that becomes soft and malleable at about 1degree F, and then hardens back into a opaque.

Shape Lock Low Temperature Molding Plastic on Vimeo. Shapelock, check out the main project index for the rest. ThermoMorph - Polymorph Moldable Plastic Pellets - 5grams: Do you like unique, bespoke and personal touches in you home?

Shape Lock Low Temperature Molding Plastic on Vimeo

Make New Tools From Shapelock Friendly Plastic - Instructables

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